Jennifer Kuhn & Mordy Burnstein Who truly benefits from their positions?
Come out on 3/11 @6:30pm
Jackson Council Meeting where Ms Kuhn & Mordy Burnstein are making changes to Land Use Ordinances
Come out on 3/11 @6:30pm
Jackson Council Meeting where Ms Kuhn & Mordy Burnstein are making changes to Land Use Ordinances
I have been arguing with myself over the past couple of weeks about whether the petition drive seeking to change the form of government in Jackson was a good idea or not.
I have finally concluded that while there are risks supporting the effort when the key players involved have refused to reveal themselves, it is a bigger gamble allowing the public officials who have presided over the deterioration of the quality of life in Jackson over the past several years, particularly Mayor Michael Reina and his appointees, to continue making decisions that are detrimental to the best interests of township residents.
If a petition drive were to succeed, a new election would be held for a seven-member council. A largely ceremonial mayor would be elected by the council. If Reina were to survive, he would be defanged. Conceivably, the new council could have seven new members. They would appoint new administrators and board members.
What has put me over the top in recent days is the sham public participation master plan process. The master plan is the blueprint for development in the township. Its critical importance can’t be overstated. The revisions hold the key to whether unbridled growth in Jackson will continue to spiral out of control and whether any steps can be taken to reverse some of the harmful land use decisions in the past.
Under the current administration there is no reason to believe it will do anything to rein in growth. As a matter of fact, the evidence suggests it will put development on steroids.
On Monday night, the Planning Board held its second meeting ostensibly aimed at gaining public input on the master plan. As with the first, it was held at 5 p.m., prior to its regular meeting. There was no public notice of the meeting, and no announcement on either of its two websites.
Not surprisingly, only a handful of people showed up and spoke. One was told they could only comment on the two elements to be discussed that night – “climate change vulnerability assessment” and affordable housing.
The last two public input meetings will be held next month prior to the regularly scheduled meeting. June 3 will be devoted to circulation (traffic, road infrastructure) and utilities (sewer, water infrastructure). June 17 will focus on economic development.
Planning Board chair Michele Campbell, the rude, condescending Nurse Rached of the board, and board attorney Robert Shea II, again tripped all over themselves talking about how they were pulling out all the stops to allow citizen input into the master plan process.
If they were truly committed, they would have advertised the meetings, held them at a time when Jackson residents wouldn’t have to leave work early to attend them, and let it be known in advance which elements of the master plan were to be discussed.
They also would make it far easier to find where on the Jackson government website residents could leave comments, and they would use a form that didn’t restrict comments to 50 characters. YES, 50 characters! That’s an average of seven to 13 words!
“Some people have complained to me that there are only 50 characters,” Campbell acknowledged. “I don’t care if you post 10 times, but I don’t want to read a manifesto here.” Hopefully, she doesn’t find reading development applications as burdensome.
Campbell went on to say that she reads every comment and has never deleted any. Good for her. Unfortunately, the township doesn’t allow anyone from the public to read the comments.
The first speaker at Monday’s meeting told the board it was “absurd” to hold the public input meetings at 5 p.m., when most people were at work. Shea explained it was the only time the meeting room was available when everyone on the subcommittee and the professionals could meet.
Then Shea went on to say that the meetings weren’t required and that the subcommittee was “going above and beyond” to accommodate the public in the process. “If you go to any other town whatsoever and they are involved in the master plan review, they never do anything like this.” (He should check what Middletown Township is doing to gather public comments. See my May 18 FB post.)
Campbell said a meeting will be held in late fall to review the planning board’s master plan revisions. That’s it. One meeting, after the two public input sessions next month that few people will be able to attend?
The master plan meetings are just one of many that make me shake my head at the failure of leadership in this town. At last week’s Township Council meeting, a resolution was approved creating a five-member homeowners association board at Harmony Farms. Problem is, the board was created without a vote from the homeowners. It was illegal. The council is likely to be sued as a result.
Two weeks ago, a wrote a Facebook post expressing my dismay that one of the people passing out the government change petitions was Rich Ciullo, site administrator of the Rise Up Ocean County Facebook page, which was condemned by the state Attorney General’s Office for the anti-Semitic posts it harbored. It was ultimately shut down by Facebook.
Ciullo also has twice served time in jail, for passing a bad check and theft by deception.
My post prompted a comment from one of the petitioners’ supporters accusing me of having killed the effort. I was flattered, but I responded that what killed it, if it was indeed dead, was the failure of the organizers to come out from behind their veil of secrecy.
They still haven’t done it, which I believe is a huge mistake. But the bigger mistake would be abandoning the petition drive effort altogether, and allowing Reina and his fellow travelers to continue holding onto the reins of power, particularly at a time when the blueprint for shaping Jackson’s future for the next decade and beyond is being developed.
Contrary to what many understandably frustrated Jackson residents believe, it isn’t too late to turn things around. But a successful petition drive may be Jackson’s last hope.
Margaret Mead
Witness Jackson's politicians in action tonight as CEO Jenn Kuhn nominates Mordy Burnstein as the new councilman. It’s blatant corruption. The actions of Ms. Kuhn, Mr. Sargent, and Mayor Reina will lead Jackson down a path towards resembling Lakewood, which is destroying the town.
Mr. Burnstein made false claims, alleging that all Jackson residents are Anti-Semites. This led to a settlement in the lawsuit with Mike Reina, resulting in the entire town now accommodating the Frum community, with neighborhoods adapting to religious needs. Mr. Burnstein supports the idea of having Houses of Worship, Micvah’s, Dorms, and ERUVs located near families homes in Jackson.
Mr. Burnstein, as the new council member, will be involved in shaping ordinances to support the religious growth of the Frum community, while impacting the quality of life in residential neighborhoods. This situation raises concerns, as the individual who initiated lawsuits is now tasked with creating laws that align with his own religious needs.
Mordy Burnstein's should never hold any board position in Jackson due to his unethical actions and his conflicts of interest.
Imagine a parking lot next to your home, where your family lives, where you have lived for decades, being completely destroyed for the benefit of one community. How is this even being considered? There are many issues that should be considered: traffic hazard with the “blind hill” that will endanger the lives of everyone coming out of the Connecticut Concourse roads. Will they take away the ability to make a left? How is it beneficial to all the residents for the benefit of a facility for one group of people?
Light pollution, noise, increase of traffic on all the residential roads throughout the neighborhood. It’s basically turning residential into commercial.
Will it be Tax Exempt?
This will cause more HARM than good.
Brookwood 4 Families Quality of life matters.
(CARRIED FROM 2/15/23 AND APRIL 19, 2023 MEETING) Testimony given 4/19/23. No additional notice
Read Below, how Tzvi Herman who is on the JJCC, Jackson Jewish Community Center is recruiting neighborhood representatives. Were you asked to represent your neighborhood from the appointed Planning Board President? Only the Frum need apply. Herman shows his constant Pro-Orthodox movement, proving his deep conflict.
Below you will see articles from the first two issues of “The Jackson Pulse”. This paper is filled with discriminatory content that is coming from its editor Tzvi Herman. Tzvi Herman is currently sitting as Jackson‘s Planning Board President. It is clear Tzvi Herman has a conflict and should be removed from the Board
Is it just coincidence that Rabbi Schmelczer purchased a “Home” to be a House of Worship, that’s right, purchased a residential home in Flair to be the neighborhood Synagogue BEFORE the New Zoning Ordinances were even read in at the Council meeting on 3/28/23? No, no coincidence at all. Because the Frum community lead by Avi Schnall already knew before EVERY OTHER NON-FRUM resident of Jackson.
It all makes sense now why ONLY the R9 & R15 zones are the only zones that at are being changed from TWO ACRES to 1/2 acre lots & permitted on residential roads.
Flair is a R15
Bridle is a Street- a neighborhood- once again.
Another “Spotlighted” neighborhood promoting illegal uses in residential homes that are full blown Houses of Worship with no approvals to assemble.
“Spotlighted“. Robins Estates and Flair
Harmony Farms was targeted in 2016. It was not established in 2016, the blockbusting started in 2016. The illegal uses of residential homes started in 2016 and cries for enforcement have been disregarded since 2016.
That’s the reality for non frum residents of Harmony Farms. But according to Tzvi Herman, Harmony Farms enclave was established in 2016, and with the proof of the amount of Homes that sold in an unprecedented, in an unnatural progression, in 2016 (House sales pic above) it absolutely proves that Harmony Farms was targeted, steered, panic peddled and blockbusted. Residential homes are Synagogues with no enforcement and zero regulations. As admitted by Tzvi, these Shuls, libraries & schools are in HOMES. Residents have been emailing officials to protect their quality of life since 2016- the town was sued based on those emails and Reina settled without defending one residents right to live in peace. Now Tzvi admits that all along these illegal uses of residential homes were in fact happening regardless of the harm it caused to residents. How does this man sit on our land use board?
Will your beloved neighborhood be “Spotlighted” next?
Let’s make sure it doesn’t.
It’s time that Tzvi Herman is removed from our Planning Board. But we need your help to do it.
Please, Its very important that you read all the articles to see just how discriminating Mr Herman is as the Editor of “The Jackson Pulse” paper. It proves that his position on our Planning board or any board is a conflict and he must be removed. Keep in mind “The Jackson Pulse” was only mailed to Frum Jackson residents, no one else.
Tzvi Herman was appointed by your Mayor, Mike Reina. Mr. Herman has proven by his own ambitions that he is incapable of holding his oath to fairly see all Jackson Residents Equally. His agenda is to further the Schtickle Pioneer agenda by encouraging the Frum neighborhoods to continue their illegal uses in our neighborhoods, which are proven by his own words. You can read for yourselves his true racism.
Not only does his paper Spotlight your Neighborhood while excluding you from this mailing, but he rejoices in the destruction of your quality of life while arrogantly bragging about the illegal uses of homes that his frum community are using. He speaks as if their plan to “turn over” is almost complete with now owning half the homes in Brookwood 3. That‘s discrimination and blockbusting. When any Jackson residents Quality of Life is being ruined by their own neighbors, how is that a success story? How is that ok? Tzvi Herman believes that it is, do you?
How can Tzvi Herman sit on a land use board while breaking lands use laws, then create a paper that brags about it?
Email our Town attorney today & officials demand Tzvi Herman be removed immediately.
Margaret Mead
Mike slandered his residents about Harmony Farms illegal uses. Turned his back on them. Now we know by Tzvi Herman, those residents were completely telling the truth while being ignored and disregarded while Tzvi’s Moroccan Shul & Bais Medrash of Jackson
( BMOJ, where Tzvi Herman sits on the board)were being developed.
The testimony from Harmony Farms residents were Factual and since 2016 they have had to endure their right to live in peace and their pursuit of happiness ripped from them.
Email your elected officials. It’s time to remove Tzvi Herman & Recall Reina
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